We all understand that one of the best foods for our weight loss plans are lean meats, whole grains and healthy fats. These would be the foods that give people protein along with energy. They keep our bodies balanced nutritionally but don't stuff us full of empty calories which will later need to be burned off at the gym. Did you realize however that a number of the diet foods you've been eating may have been hindering your ability to lose weight They might be even adding fat laden calories to your body! Check out a few of the food items that might be allowing you to accidentally sabotage your diet.

Sports Drinks are not aiding you at all. You have possibly been told that your sports drink is the proper way to replenish your bodys electrolyte levels after a workout. Most doctors agree, however, that if your exercise routine is shorter than ninety minutes, drinking water should be fine. Sports drinks are loaded with sugar and calories and a large amount of other things you dont need including artificial flavors and colors which defeat any attempts at eating only natural products. Best Weight Loss Supplement Choose chocolate milk for your drink as an alternative. Your body utilizes the sugar within the chocolate for muscle repair and everyone knows how good milk is for you.

Protein Shakes aren't your friend. Lots of people feel that protein shakes can be utilized rather than meals and to curb cravings between meals. The truth of the matter is that if you are already eating a balanced diet all the protein shake really does is overburden your system with protein. Converse to popular belief, protein is not stored as muscular fiber, it is stored as fat. If you've already eaten your daily allotment of protein that day, your body will just keep the extra in your fat cells for later and that won't help you drop pounds or inches.

Pre-packaged deli meat isn't nearly as healthy as you might believe that it is. It's typically believed that a sandwich constructed of whole grain bread along with lean pre-packaged deli meat is a pretty good lunch time item. Actually, pre-packaged deli meat has way too many preservatives and sodium (one portion contains about a third of the amount of sodium you should eat in a day). This is going to be especially harmful if you are at risk of contracting heart disease. Instead of purchasing the pre-packaged material, you should instead use home cooked poultry or freshly sliced meat from your grocery store's deli counter. Yes you are going to pay more money for these selections but you will be healthier if you choose them.

There are many things that we believe are better than others like choosing a whole wheat bagel each morning when the truth is that a bowl of cinnamon sprinkled oatmeal is a much healthier choice. Ask your doctor which foods are most effective for you and then consume those. If you pay attention and are mindful about what sort of food you let yourself eat, losing weight isn't going to be a terribly big deal.